From the moment director Shankar decided that he will work once again with the South Indian super star Rajinikanth, this project has been making news. Well there was also a controversy suggesting that Ash was signed and rumors emanating that she has quit the film. Well a few days back Ash had openly declared in an interview to a private channel that she had signed for this sci-fi flick. Now here is more news for all you fans of this Bollywood beauty. It seems director Shankar has asked Ash to go down by a few pounds because that is the look needed for the film. Ash, who had put on some weight for her recent blockbuster 'Jodhaa Akbar', is believed to be hitting the gym daily and is on a strict diet regimen for shedding the required kilos. Ash will be shown as a sleek chic and she might also have to do some stunt sequences for this film, hence the reducing in weight. Ash has received a whooping sum as advance, and signing this film she has become the top paid actress in the entire nation. 'Robot' sees the coming together of giants like Shankar, A.R. Rahman, and Rajinikanth. This same trio had come together for making 'Sivaji-The Boss' which became a block buster in South India and abroad. Let us hope that the magicians are able to weave their magic once again with this film as well.