Vijay Galani's Veer directed by Gadar director, Anil Sharma, is a big budget extravaganza. The film has been in news because of its hero Salman Khan charging a never-heard-before packet of Rs 25 crore as his fee. Now, the Bollywood Hungama news break on the film is a strong possibility of Hollywood star Jean Claude Van Damme's daughter starring in the film in a crucial role. “Yes she is here, but I wouldn't want to talk about it. She is a big man's daughter. Har cheez finalise nahin hui hai,” says director Anil Sharma.
Sharma isn't willing to disclose anything about the film except that “It's a period film based in 1800.” He somewhat confirmed Salman's reported pay packet for the film and also said that Salman has been working hard on his physique. It seems he has to enhance his frame by one and a half times since he is playing a warrior in the film.
Van Damme sports a ferocious physique and is known world over for his international action packed films like Bloodsport, Lionheart, Universal Soldier, Double Impact etc. While searching on the net we found out he has two sons and only one daughter born in 1990 named Bianca from body builder Gladys Portugues. In all probability, Bianca will make a stinging debut in Bollywood soon. Considering both her parents are in physical sport, she must be a tough gal as well