It’s a well known fact that Sivaji Productions is ready to commence its next project and that the hero is Ajith. Earlier it was said that Vishnuvardhan would direct that movie. But the chance of directing the movie has now gone to Venkat Prabhu. As a matter of fact, the opportunity to direct 'Aegan' itself was about to go to Venkat Prabhu. But since the producer Ayngaran Internationals preferred Raju Sundaram, Venkat could not get the opportunity. Ajith however, was keen to give opportunity to Venkat. He asked the young director to tell the story to Sivaji Productions. The story narrated by him was liked by the producers and hence he got the chance to direct Ajith’s movie. But let us keep our fingers crossed, as we cannot be sure of anything since everything keeps changing till it is made official.